How Much Does It Cost For Aircon Chemical Wash in Singapore?

It’s not just in the summer that we should be concerned with maintaining the air conditioning. The cleaning of the device should be maintained all year round, but why should we do it this way? The law is already in force that obliges all buildings, public and private, to do the maintenance and cleaning of their refrigeration systems. We even made an article talking only about this that you can check here.

But why clean your air conditioning? What are the benefits that this can give you? Check out some important points of this process below:

Reduction of health problems

Fungi, bacteria, cigarette smoke and vehicle smoke accumulated in air conditioners cause various health problems. Chronic lung diseases, respiratory infections, lung cancer, nasal congestion and eye dryness are among the risks of continuously living indoors with poor quality air conditioning.

It is worth mentioning that children and people with respiratory, pulmonary, allergic and cardiovascular problems are at even greater risk of developing these health problems.

Reducing the energy consumption of your air conditioning

The lack of maintenance of the air conditioners overloads your system and increases the energetic consumption. In this way, periodic maintenance restores normal operation by considerably reducing your electric energy bill.

Increase the useful life of your air conditioner

Air conditioners that go through long periods without chemical washing and maintenance can have their parts and operation damaged, which shortens the life of the equipment. Thus, with frequent maintenance, these parts will have a longer life allowing the appliance to work for many more years.

What services are part of air conditioning maintenance and how much does each one cost?

There are several reasons why your air conditioner may present problems. They are related to filters, electrical connections, etc. To ensure that your equipment is always in perfect condition, we recommend that you hire a maintenance service. The main maintenance tasks are:

•Cleaning the indoor unit filter:
 The indoor unit or units in the air conditioner have a washable filter. It is important to clean or replace this filter, depending on the condition it is in. To know this you will need to remove the filter and observe if it is clogged. Failure to clean the filter regularly will result in the loss of thermal power and increase the power consumption of the appliance. In addition, the air may be blocked, which may damage the compressor. A professional charges an average of $ 90.00 to perform cleaning the indoor unit filter.

•Cleaning the outdoor unit’s battery:
 The outdoor unit of the air conditioner does not usually have filter, and dirt from the street goes to the exchange battery. This battery should be cleaned frequently and for this a brush is needed, or, for more effectiveness, blow the air under pressure. If this chemical washing is not done, the device will lose thermal power, and will have an increase of consumption, and may even block the air conditioning equipment. The average price charged for this cleaning is around $ 70.00.

•Checking the refrigerant charge:
 It is common for air conditioning equipment to lose refrigerant gas, but the solution is not as simple as charging the gas. We recommend that if this happens, you hire a qualified professional to do the maintenance. To verify the gas it is necessary to use specific tools such as pressure gauges, and the average price charged for this service usually ranges from $ 100.00 to $ 150.00.

What should I include in my request for air conditioner maintenance?

If you have decided to hire a professional to service your air conditioning, we recommend that you order several online quotes to compare them. When preparing your request, you must indicate the type of air conditioning you have, what its power and specific characteristics, such as make and model. Keep in mind that the more information you describe in your application, the better it will be for the professional to make a budget according to your needs.

How to choose the best professional for the maintenance of my air conditioning?

When choosing a professional, the ideal is to compare the budgets you have received, checking if they are complete and missing information. Analyze the price of shipping, the materials needed and the price of labor. If you have any questions, consult with the professional you want to hire. It is also important to make sure you are opting for an experienced professional in this type of work. You can ask for references of the company / professional or consult the internet for the opinion of other clients about the services provided by them.